Remote PSU Switch

The 50A Motor Controller have 2 separate PSU feeds – one for the MCU and one for the Motor driver. This allows me to power the MCU and let this switch on/off power for the driver part.

Simply create a 48V/50A PSU Controller Hat as illustrated on the drawing above. I like this idea, but I don’t like the idea of letting 50A pass anything on it’s path. I would need a large relay for this – or do I?

I have a bunch of these 20A relays that actually are very small. I am toying with the idea of creating a Hat with 3 to 5 of these. Basically I just combine PSU sources to get higher currents.

I am a bit puzzled by the marking of these as they rate 125VAC, but only 24VDC. I actually need 48VDC, but these only cost a few cents so I can test. I have larger ones that can take 230VAC and these relay boards are very handy regardless.

But, But, But… having to wire 50A through another board is not nice – so I am thinking several PCB’s here – I obviously would like relay boards in Hat formats, but I would also like a Hat capable of switching external power paths – meaning I put the relay on a separate board for higher current solutions.

Actually it already exist low cost relay boards driven by ESP32 which is excellent for doing this job. I like to have my systems wired and only use Wifi if I must, but the good thing about the Wifi option here is that I can buy someone else’s board for a change.excellent for doing this job

This is only a brief idea at present, but having relay boards and options as part of a modular control system is a must.


Testing a 50A Motor Controller

One of the good things about MC4X60V50A (or steampunk controller if you like) is that MCU is powered separately from the MOSFET driver part. This enables me to use a USB, power the MCU and write test code without worrying about the 3KW driver part.

For actual testing I can settle with smaller motors to test logic. I have plenty of Nema17 rated to ca 2A, one 3-Phase rated 30A, another rated 15A and I have even ordered one rated 90A max. The challenge is more that I at present only can support max 30A from Lab PSU’s. But, that will have to do for now.


Worn out Pick & Miss Machine

I decided to use the IR Heater for this board, so in the process of manually applying paste and placing components. Got the large components on, but still miss the 0603 o-fun. This is much harder work than it looks sitting there trying to get components you hardly can see placed.

Actually have to rest my right hand – lol.

Someone buy me a pick and place machine please! I know – I am just complaining because I can’t afford a Pick & Place Machine right now! But, I think the worst is done now – all those SC75 and SO23 things are on there – those buggers are the worst because I can hardly see them so you have to work through magnifiers all the time.

50A Driver Pin Layout

I still have a job to assemble a full 50A motor driver, but I want to set up the MCU with correct code first. I use IR2103 that will prevent short-cut, so we should be safe, but it is better if we have pins & IO ready. CubeMX is great for this and it also add in FreeRTOS and USB Serial. The later is important because I want a debug UI to operate the channels through USB.

CubeMX auto-generate drivers and configurations as well as producing a PDF report that is a good starting point. It also integrate directly with SW4STM32 (IDE) so you basically just press a few buttons and have your code running.

Just to remind everyone of the content on this controller:

  • STM32F405RG ticking at 168Mhz, 1Mb Flash, 192Kb SRAM
  • Rated for 60V at 50A
  • Raspberry PI Hat format enabling other boards to be added for more functionality.
  • Separate PSU for processor
  • Supercap and motor capacitors on board.
  • USB Interface
  • CAN Interface
  • SWD
  • 2 x End-point connectors
  • 3 x Hall sensors
  • 3 x Status Leds
  • 4 x separate PWM channels
  • 4 x high-side current sensors
  • 4 x BEMF sensors
  • 1 x DC Input sensor
  • 2 x on-board temperature sensors
  • TVS on all signals between MCU and Driver

MOSFET’s are 60V rated for an insane 160A and 400A in pulse drain. Well above the 50A target of this board, but as I have shown though math current limit is also about power disipation. And to repeat myself – at present I have equipment to test ca 10A. I actually need to build some PSU’s for heavier testing.

It is a lot of low cost motor controllers out there, but this one is actually designed to sustain 50A as a constant load and it is one of the few universal controllers supporting stepper motors this size.

The following table show the pin layout and usage on rev 1.1 of the universal 50A Controller.

2 PC13 Status1 Status Led
3 PC14 Status2 Status Led
4 PC15 Status3 Status Led
8 PC0 BEMFADC4 ADC measuring V out on channel 4.
9 PC1 CSenseADC4 ADC Measuring high side current on channel 4.
10 PC2 BEMFADC3 ADC measuring V out on channel 3
11 PC3 CSenseADC3 ADC Measuring high side current on channel 3.
14 PA0 BEMFADC2 ADC measuring V out on channel 2.
15 PA1 CSenseADC2 ADC Measuring high side current on channel 2.
16 PA2 BEMFADC1 ADC measuring V out on channel 1.
17 PA3 CSenseADC1 ADC Measuring high side current on channel 1.
20 PA4 DCADC ADC measuring voltage in on driver part.
21 PA5 PWM1L Low PWM on channel 1.
22 PA6 Hall1 Hall encoder 1
23 PA7 Hall 2 Hall encoder 2
24 PC4 TempADC1 Temperature sensor 1
25 PC5 TempADC2 Temperature sensor 2
26 PB0 Hall 3 Hall encoder 3
29 PB10 CAN LBK See CAN.
30 PB11 CAN RS See CAN.
34 PB13 PWM2L PWM ch 2 Low – TIM1-CH1N
35 PB14 PWM3L PWM ch 3 Low – TIM1-CH2N
36 PB15 PWM4L PWM ch 4 Low – TIM1-CH3N
37 PC6 PWM1H PWM ch 1 High – TIM8-CH1
38 PC7 EP1 End Point sensor
39 PC8 EP2 End Point sensor
41 PA8 PWM2H PWM ch 2 High – TIM1-CH1
42 PA9 PWM3H PWM ch 3 High – TIM1-CH2
43 PA10 PWM4H PWM ch 4 High – TIM1-CH3
55 PB3 SCK1 SPI for backbone 42Mbps
56 PB4 MISO1 SPI for backbone 42Mbps
57 PB5 MOSI1 SPI for backbone 42Mbps



Reading up on these machines I find a lot of praises about this series. I really like this machine with 58 feeders, but it will cost me close to 6000.- USD before I have it in Norway.

The reviews are all good. The main comment is on camera lighting. It can detect 0603 components, but struggle with QFN. It will take a while before I can order this, but I hope to have it in the pipeline at summer.

Ground Plane Broken

Bugger – checking ground plane integrity I realize that it is broken. The green areas have component grounding, but the 3D showed that it was connected – the real PCB is however not connected. I should have forced a track here to ensure that this was connected, but I will solder a wire on the back-side to fix this.

What happens is that the ground plane path is so thi that the CNC dropped it. This will cause BEMF3 to fail until I fix it.

Another note is that I might remove some filter components and do filtering in SW. I have plenty of MCU power available on this M4.

Ground Plane

I did the PCB for this motor controller before I moved on to do a lot of other Hat’s and added it to a batch as I ordered PCB’s later. I obviously did not spend much time looking over the design. Looking at the capacitors I realized that ground plane was broken between capacitors and ground in. It is connected though the long way around, but a few simple changes and it is directly connected as these pics shows.

The picture above is rev 1.1 where you see that orange and pink is not connected. On the picture below I have moved things around so we get a direct Connection. I see a lot of optimization options on this design.

This is not in the main current path so it is not critical, but I like as much of ground plane to be connected as possible.

Difficulities with headers

This is the 2nd unit where I have not added header yet. I tried to manually solder on the capacitors, but failed so I tried the IR heater and realized that the unit was to tall to go in with the header so I soldered the unit that did not have a header yet. Looking at the header pins I realize that I will struggle to get solder tip to those pins. This will require some thought because it makes the board very hard to manufacture.

One idea that I will try out is to replace the 3 x 25V/1000uF with 4 x 16V/1000uF. I actually think they occupy less space and hight all in all.

I tried soldering those capacitors with heat gun, but simply could not even get the paste to melt. This is the first time ever I actually was forced to use the IR Heater.