Category: PnP

PnP Head

I am building a PnP Machine based on lumenPnP (an OpenPnP) variant, but as I lack many of the specialized parts they use I have to make changes. This has been a great project as it forced me to lern how a PnP machine works and what challenges it included. As I upgraded to version…

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New PNP Head

I borrowed the design from LumenPnP (an OpenPnP variant), but I am honestly not impressed with their mechanical skills, so I re-designed the head. Firstly I needed a different end-sensor and added one on each side. But, the major issue was the blue belt holder that difficult to print and would not fir the belt…

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PnP – Head/FreeCAD

Finally got around to design holders for my Nema8 Nozzle head + I added a damper between the Nema17 and the head to reduce noise. I need to design tank-belt holders and I can start assembling pneumatic tubes and control system as I should have all parts by now. I used FreeCAD to design these…

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PnP – Attention to details

I ordered CNC belt driver wheels a bit quick and realized just now that their hold is 6mm while the shafts on my steppers are 5mm. The extra 1mm meakes a “hump” as the belt move and the combination is not a nice, smooth belt drive – so new belt wheels have been ordered. I…

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PnP – Noozle Head

This picture (above) show the PnP Nozzle head. (1) A Nuki 506 Noozle, but I have several noozles. (2) A noozle holder. (3) A Nema8 hallow shaft Stepper and (4) And adapter for rotating hallow shaft to vacum tube. These are some of the most expensive parts of the PnP design. I have received 501…

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PnP – Back Legs

This picture is from LumenPnP (Opulo) that I use as base and show that they already have corrected the weak mechanical leg, but obviously not updated the open source drawing – or I must have downloaded the wrong ones 🙁 Never mind – I have glued the part that broke and they will do for…

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