Category: Embedded Development

W5500 breakout

This is the breakout board version of W5500 available for 10.- USD on AliExpress. I have a few of the more expensive ones for W5200 bought from Wiznet. Using breakout’s like this simplifies the prototyping if you assemble by hand. I also notice that Wiznet support examples for STM32F103 using CoIDE these days. This Picture show…

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Routing space

Ok, I underestimated the size and number of passive components around W5500. I was hoping to assemble on only one side, but I either need to increase size or assemble on both sides. This is 0805 components. I can use less space with 0603 and choosing a smaller x-tal. But, 0603 start to get difficult…

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USB Adapter Stick

I have plenty of RS485 USB sticks that I bought for 1.- USD each. They are great, but I lack the same for CAN. And I lack low cost sticks for CAN Low Speed/Fault Tolerant. The larger com adapter is great, but I will need cheap ones I can afford to loose. In this I…

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Communication Adapter

This is an early draft with only the main components mounted. The schematics are not even close to done yet. I like to place main components straight away to get a look & feel and in many cases I adapt schematics to physical layout. I know some prefer to complete schematics before they start PCB…

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Communication Adapter

Connecting things to a Windows PC is sometimes a bit of a challenge. I am in urgent need of a CAN-X adapter. These things cost and if I add my request for a Wired Ethernet, Wireless Ethernet as well as USB prices start to have several digits. The amount of software needed and the component…

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Rx 1.1 breakout board

It’s not been much activity lately. You can blame the summer and the mess in my garden for that. I want to wire up a few experiments. One is a motor controller based on F405 and the other is a Ethernet controller based on F107. The Rx breakout board is excellent for this as it…

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90 Countries so far

Writing a blog it is always Nice to know that someone (except bots) are reading it. Readers from 90 countries have visited the site so far, Thanks to you all. Due to the commercial marketing bot’s that spam any log please use a proper email if you subscribe or comment. I am the only one…

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Robot Control System

I earlier talked about replacing the legs on this robot, but the fact is that I want to rebuild the entire robot from scratch. I need stronger legs that can carry some weight. I also need a control system that includes a battery charger and PSU. As mentioned earlier 12 servo’s will draw 10+A in…

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CooCox IDE

On STM32 (or ARM) I have always used CooCox IDE. This is free and even recommended by ST these days. It is based on Eclipse and quite OK as it integrate properly with full debugger to ST-Link etc.