Category: Embedded Development

Making a LED Lamp

I am a bit handicapped as my Lamp with a magnifier broke. I was using that all the time, but having seen how badly designed that it I decided to rebuild both of my lamps to be LED lamps. What I will do is to buy a 130VAC to 12VDC adapter in a shop (or…

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Plain (Programming Language for AI Networks) is very different from Languages like Python, Java and C#. The only similarity is that they all are based on a Virtual Machine and all use C/C++ as native host language. One difference is that C++ is more openly integrated into Plain than Java and C#, while Python have…

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Ethernet Hat’s ESP32/HLK-7688A

I decided that I want to make 2 different Ethernet/Wifi modules With different purpose. With Raspberry PI it will be 3, but RPI and ESP32 overlap in functionality. ESP32 with Ethernet/Wifi/Bluetooth is a very attractive “Connector” solution where I can add more connections by adding multiple Hat’s. I can sadly only add a single Raspberry…

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STM32H743 Maturity

I managed to get STM32H743 running blinking some leds, but not without pain. STCubeIDE is able to download code, but fail on debugging. All in All I basically conclude that H7 is not sufficiently mature yet! This is not about the MCU, but tool, toolchain, drivers and everything around it.  

ST Firmware Quality Sucks

Well – I got a STM32H743 Nucleo kit yesterday and wanted to autogenerate code for it from CubeMX (or STCubeIDE more exctly) – out of the box – it generates code that DOES NOT COMPILE on an eval kit. Sadly this is not the first time, it has become more the rule than the exception.…

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I decided to have a look at the STM32H7x3 series running at 480Mhz. The Nucleo board uses the 144 pin ZI version, but they also have a 100 pin V version. 100 pin is attractive because it gives me access to external memory, Ethernet and more + if I should go for a 100 pin…

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Ethetnet Switch Hat

I just received HLP-7688A module and looking at the size I must admit that I tempted to create a Switch/Router in Hat format. I am not os sure about the SPI on this, but it has 2 UART’s, so assuming I can control the code on the Linux module this could be interesting with Wifi…

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Plain as Shell language

I am slowly getting the SW stack for BasicPI together and wonder if I should implement a minimal shell language based on Plain. I can regardless run a Plain appliction at start-up for configuration, but a shell language means that we are able to connect on a CLI console and write/execute scripts and commands ad-hoc…

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China win again!

In my previous post I mentioned that I lacked doc – I notified the seller and a few hours later I got it – thank you. The doc was actually available on the net, but in 9 of 10 times I contact Asian sellers they actually respond quick and with care. Well done!