Category: Embedded Development

32 x Servo Hat

Finally got the PCB for the 32 x Servo Hat. Guess it is time to re-assemble my Robot prototype with the proper control system. I am really pleaced with the mechanical changes I did to the Hat – this is spot on.

Embedded SSD

I am toying with the idea to create an Embedded Solid State Disk. The concept is not new or complicated and if you dissect an SSD or USB Memory stick you will find two chips. One is the NAND Flash Controller and the other is the NAND Flash itself. USB or SATA is not very…

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Current Sensor Design

This is my current sensor. INA210 comes with a fixed gain of 200. Other variants have different gain. I like this concept because it saves me passive components and space on a critical area + the resistors on the chip have better accuracy. R16 and C5 is the low pass filter. INA210 is bi-directional and…

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This block diagram is DRV8711, a Stepper Motor Pre-Amplifier from TI. This cost around 5.- USD as samples, so I am not sure I want to bother about it. But, I find it very interesting because it has an easy step/pwm interface as well as a more complex SPI. It adds features like stall detect…

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F030 Breakout

I actually bought a breakout board for STM32F030F4 and discovered that it could not be mounted on a bread-/vero-board. I prefer making proper PCB’s, but I use breakout boards a lot during concept testing. This one is breadboard friendly and can either be mounted standing up or with both sides down. The connector on top…

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15A Driver Breakout

This is a 4 x half bridge driver with a current sensor. I decided to create a pure driver board because I intend to destroy these in testing to learn it’s actual capacity. I don’t want a MCU mounted on things I expect to be overheated. It is at the same time a bit cool to have…

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HEXFET Driver Stage

This show a classic HEXFET half-bridge driver. IR2103 takes 3.3V logic in form of PWM and convert it into levels that can drive the HEXFET’s. This is called a Gate Driver. It’s purpose is to deliver signals on correct voltage levels to drive the HEXFET’s. A typical minimum for a gate driver is 10ich Volt. The…

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