Category: Embedded Development

Plain – State Engine Part 2

Introducing “State..On” syntax to catch events makes a lot of sense. State will wait until one of the listed events happens before it process that event and continue. Call MyFunction1(..) Call MyFunction2(…) State MyState1(MyFunction2) On Error(…)             // On Timeout(…)             // End  This example will test for Error, Timeout and Continue. Continue is implicit…

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Plain – Parallelism Part 2

Parallel operations (Parallelism) is most often associated with complex math operations. For Plain this is different because we will need it a lot. Imagine my 12 servo robot – it will not be very smooth unless we can operate the servos simultaneously. Syntax for Parallel (or non-blocking) operation is however a bit hard to create.…

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Plain – Keywords

Keywords used so far Assign Assign operation. Bit 1 bit data type. Byte 8 bit data type Call Call to a function. Commit Commit parts of a transaction Connect System Diagram – connect modules. Decode Decode a bit field. Domain Encode a bit field. Else Default group in an if statement Elsif Alternative selection in…

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Plain – Parallelism Part 1

We did earlier show how we could call a function in a different module. The previous example illustrated a 1:1 call between modules. What I want to do now is a 1:20 call – I want to make 1 call that execute a function in 20 different modules returning different results. use System Module ComplexMath…

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Plain – Multi Threading/Mutex

Plain modules run in parallel and we do sometimes need to synchronise access to data or electronics. This is done by the transaction statement. Transaction will delay execution until it is granted exclusive write access to a variable within the domain. This act as an excellent Multi-threading mechanism because it forces the developer to access…

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Plain – System Diagram

Creating a System Diagram actually makes a lot of sense in a distributed system where you need to program the system rather than individual devices – and it is at the core of what I want to achieve with Plain. A few topics that need some work: Usage of the Interface keyword needs to be…

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Raspberry PI Hat’s

I have so far designed 3 Hat’s that I have produced, and a few others in draft versions. Looking at my older picktures I seem to have uploaded 3D models, but not so many Pictures of the actual Boards – probably lost some Pictures on the old blog – I will fix that. This is…

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