Category: BSA

BSA – Dictionary

The Dictionary part of BSA is quite important as your project grows because it is instrumental in keeping overview and re-using components. The content is always the same, but I decided that I needed at least two precentations of the Dictionary content that is selectable by buttons on top of the Dictionary folder itself. You…

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BSA – Assign statement

I am using BSA myself daily as we speak and this sometimes makes it very obvious that some of the functionality needs to be improved. I was initially very happy with my Property Editor (at right), but as I have worked on large 4K screens I have noticed that text gets very small and hidden…

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BSA – Import, Cut/Copy/Paste

I have started to add four functions “Import, Cut, Copy and Paste”, The example below import a copy of the existing module into the repository. The main challenge to maintain integrity is straight forward as integrity is based on a unique, internal reference that needs to be updated. Names are only a precentation on this…

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BSA – UMS vs SDL States

SDL (Specification and Description Language) was at one point considered as a UML diagram add-on, but UML went in a different direction. I am used to SDL from Telecom and use an abstracted version (simplified) because I liked the state engine concept added to normal flow charts – so why did I bother with UML…

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BSA – New UML State

Changing UML State is straight forward – just use ToolMake to add a new property and change the default settings + a few lines of code to add the header change I also added. This is a compromise on my earlier Connection Point – I decided to change the default to Free and implement Free…

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The UML State Diagram below illustrates an Actuator that regulate on Position, Speed and Torque, but is input data here Events, Data or both? Also the diagram show event name three times. In this case the gray names should be hidden as the Start Terminal carry the event name. I am not sure I need…

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