Category: BSA

BSA – Class vs Diagram

The following diagram is an example of a Class and an associated Diagram – see text below picture: In BSA a Class and a Diagram can be the same as they can precent different aspects of the same object. A Class itself is only an overview of an object, but a Class Diagram adds inheritance…

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BSA – Diagram Linking

I needed to consolidate PLD a bit around calls to sub-diagrams and functions, so I added a new diagram symbol and a new function call symbol. These overlap a bit, but the diagram symbol show a different diagram being used as a sub-diagram. If you double-click on that you will navigate tothat diagram. The signals…

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PLC – Modules

I have been very slow on ordering PCB modules for my latest PLC, the reason is because I have so many designs laying around lacking firmware as they only reached the proof of concept level. But, I am finally pushing these modules. It is five modules that will be created now because I need those…

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BSA – Name Relationa

The diagram below illustrates some challenges we have in BSA – how does things glue together ? The small diagram have a single class “Customer”, a small state diagram and a Data Table – all providing different part of an application. Class as an example is a declaration of a “datatype” with attributes, methods and…

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BSA – Sub Diagrams

The diagram below show two sub-diagrams. Sub_Diagram1 is a standard function call while Sub-Diagram2 have multiple input signals each connected to a specific method in the diagram. Both are legal drawings “as is”, but they have conflicting precentation needs. In “Sub_Diagram1” is is natural to assume that we call a function “Sub_Diagram1”, while on Sub-Diagram2…

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BSA – Copy & Paste

Copy & Paste is finally working as they should. BSA allows you to draw duplicated tags, but the compiler will raise it as an error, so paste do not change tag names like the “Start_68” below (yet) – I am not sure I want it to either because design and coding are different tasks and…

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BSA – SDL Support

The diagram below is an “abstracted SDL” – or simplified SDL if you like – it is a flowchart with SDL heritage that is a very good way of writing a visual specification assuming you have a tool that support it. This is at core in PLD. This exact example send a message and wait…

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BSA . C/C++ Import

One of the upcoming features is the capability to import C/C++ code into a BSA project – correction I only want to be able to read C/C++ so I can set up the BSA Repository to generate code that uses an external C/C++ library. This is one of many important features as you integrate high-level…

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BSA – Fork & Join

Fork and Join are part of UML State diagram heritage that I imported into PLD. The example below show a potential usage to take a signal, duplicate it to three threads and wait until they all are finished before you continue. Fork and Join are drawn as bars that can be horisontal or vertical –…

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BSA – PLD Considerations

I am experimenting a bit with C++/PScript coding in PLD and you can see the mock-up below where I create 3 math functions. The diagram is named “Math” so the functions are Math.Pow2, Math.Abs and Math.Sin – two of them in C++ and one in PScript. Assuming the target is C++ you can add C++…

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