Author: Jan

CAN Adapter with Wifi

I need a CAN adapter for a special job and decided to build my own. I use ESP32 to get Wifi, Bluetooth and USB Connectivity, but I decided on adding a STM32 to get dual CAN Connectivity. ESP32 do have an undocumented CAN port as well, but I assume ExpressIF have their reasons for hiding…

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New DRV8313 BLDC Controller

My previous DRV8313 design used the larger 64 pin F105/F405 MCU and a more complicated sensor design. What I could do is to use the smaller F303 that is 48 pin and fokus on hall sensor driven motors to get size down. The issue is that current sensing is very difficult/unreliable for small motors on…

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BLDC Mini Controllers

As I wrote earlier my mini BLDC Controller who support 28V and 2A is basically to powerfully for the job. The motor I Control uses ca 250mA on 12V etc. I used DRV10983 for the job, but I also designed a far more advanced BLDC Controller with DRV8313 earlier. That ended up “larger” as it…

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2P Motor with Encoder

  This is a classic N20 DC motor With gearbox and a Encoder. I made a micro stand-alone Control system for these, but I did not support the Encoder. The Encoder will send pulses back as the motor run indicating speed and relative position allowing us to use this as a small stepper motor. My…

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Mini BLDC Controller Working

Had a heck of a job getting this to working – seems like I was doomed to do all possible mistakes. First the SWD Connector on the pic is connected wrong, after that the cable was swapped around and finally I banged the wrong pins. To even make it worse I did not manage to…

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BLDC Mini Controller

This is rev 1.0 of the mini Controller. I patched the 3.3V on the back-side so this is feeded 3.3V from DRV10983 and Works fine between 8-28V IN. I also added 1000uF capacitors that I hope will be sufficient to absorb sparks. I have not added the MAX3485 yet, but I can test without this.…

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Mini BLDC Testing

This illustration show the new PCB layout, but the old have the same capacitor options. Previously as I tested this mini driver I did not apply the capacitor and the result was 2 blown drivers. I actually believe that a large capacitor as planned is all that is needed to absorb the spikes that took…

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Mini BLDC 8-28V Input

This design have 2 PSU’s. One is the ANS1117 that takes up to 12/16V input and 0.5A. The second is the DC/DC on DRV10983 that delivers 100mA and allow the Circuit to be used up to 28V. I have connected both for now. The datasheet for MAX3485 indicate up to 200mA, but my own measuring…

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PLC – Connectivity Module

Still an early draft, but show the 8 RS-485 connectors at top/bottom. I only use right angle headers in the 3D, but they are 2.54 pich so they can be replaced with other connectors. I still have a few loose ends. RS485 circuit can be switched off into 3-state by setting RE High and DE…

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