Author: Jan

3.3V PSU on MC4X15A

This scope pic is from the 3.3V on my MC4X15A – Universal Motor Controller. The MCU is running and I have the 0.33F Supercap mounted. Ca 200mV point to point ripple is to much for my taste, but it works and this is far better than I have measured out of the Lab PSU’s. I…

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LMR14206 – 12V DC/DC

I decided to test my LMR14206 based DC/DC again and replaced the 15uH inductor with a 47uH inductor on the 12V design. The scope pictures was a shock: This first scope picture show what I saw as 12V out. It is 12.2V, but look at that ripple picture of several voltages. To compare I scoped…

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Raspberry PI Wiring

This shows a Raspberry PI 3 with a Communication Hat, Display and mini keyboard. This is basically all the hardware I need for a very advanced CAN Adapter & Analyzer. The main reasons I am skeptical is the wiring needed on this solution. Using a HDMI display is very powerfully, but you need a large…

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Galvanic RS485/CAN

Since we talk about galvanic RS485 & CAN Adapter’s I guess it is time to visit this project as well. The universal adapter below was something I started last time I needed CAN. This adds W5500 and ESP12-E + NRF in addition to CAN & RS485. I never made a revision of this Board, but…

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Not so mini CAN Adapter

This is the same drawing as the previous post, but I added the TF Card option. Basically this is a small mini-computer Complete With display, keyboard (in the display), Wifi, Storage etc. Just for the record it actually got more “disk” and RAM than my first IBM Compatible PC. I have never done a TF-card…

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It exist a project that simply add a CAN Tranceiver to a special ESP32 dev Board – called CAN32. This uses the CAN on ESP32 and provide a Wifi based CAN Interface. I have a few CAN breakout Boards and Nextion displays so I want to assemble one of these. The main drawbacks With this…

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