Author: Jan

Bad IRF7862 MOSFET Lot

Update : 13 of 50 MOSFET’s might be ok after testing! I purchased 50 x IRF7862 MOSFET’s from Asia through AliExpress and while I usually am happy with what I buy here it happens that I get screwed by non-honest sellers. What some of them do is to pick rejected chips from the factory and…

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Motor Controller Testing

This picture show my latest test upset. I am still only testing a single PWM channel on MC4X15A, but it has caused a few Challenges. I finally got hold of 100W resistors that can sustain heavier load and using a 4 Ohm 100W I can continue my testing without being concerned about the load melting…

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New SWD Connector

One of the generic changes I have considered for some time is to replace my 2×5 pin SWD connector with a 1×5 pin Micro JST connector. These connectors use 1.27 pitch and you get plenty of ready made cables. Firstly I only use 1×5 pin anyway and usually find other solutions for debug UART. But,…

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CAN-USB Adapters

I am adding 2 CAN/USB Adaptors. The upper one is not galvanic isolated while the lower one is 2cm longer and uses ADM3053 which also makes the board ca 5-8.- USD more expensive. The MCU is STM32F105RB and the USB is full host or Device capable. The SN65HVD233 based one have a few Control functions…

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ADM3053 Error

I just realized that ADM3053 is NOT a 3.3V device. It says 5V or 3.3V on VIO, but VCC requires 5V. The schematics I have used is also wrong as it does not feed power to VIO at all. The example on the datasheet is very misleading in this case. Looking at ADM2583 that I…

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ESP32 Oscilloscope & Logic Analyzer

Most of my Oscilloscope & Logic Analyzer needs are on frequencies below 1Mhz, and ESP32 have 16 12-bit ADC channels, so it would not take much to create a 16 channel low frequency Oscilloscope/Logic analyzer. This is why I bought a ESP32-WROVER dev kit. Wrover have 4Mb SRAM as well as all the features of…

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INA210 – Current Sensing

These scope pictures are from MC4X15A measured at 0,5A and 0,7A on the PSU. The yellow is just the pulse trigger, the cyan is the actual CSense on ch1. The cyan line is the CSense. CSense seemed to increase in average as I increased voltage. Phase current is larger, so a 200mV signal might be…

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DS18B20 – Temperature Sensors

I need to add temperature sensors to my MC4X15A Motor Controller so I can monitor HEXFET temperature and cut the H-Bridges to protect the HEXFET’s. I have 2 analogue input’s designed for temperature sensors, but I also have a bunch of DS18B20 laying around.   DS18B20 is a one-wire protocol device and you use it’s…

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Low Cost Programmable Load

I need a load for testing and fancy a programmable load. My first idea was to use a resistor array and a relay operated switch board as illustrated below.   Next as I looked into more intelligent techniques I also realize how easy it is to make one using a DAC and power transistors. The…

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