Author: Jan

MC3P60V Cap Change

I was rather pleased with routing MC3P60V because it is a dense, functional design. But, as I reviewed the design I found this. The error here is that this is 60V and I used 0603 packages. 0603 usually hold 6ich V, so I will either need to upgrade to larger 60V or try something else.…

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What IDE should I use?

I am a big fan of things that just work, which is why I have stuck to Coocox and CoIDE for years. But, as it now looks like this tool is dead I basically need to move on. Coocox had a very good concept and was one of the few Eclipse based IDE’s I liked,…

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CAN Interface

I finally got revision 1.1 of these boards yesterday, so I can get on with this adapter. The main error on 1.1 was lack of crystal and I realized I needed the crystal for USB as I tested. I like CubeMX, but I fail to undestand “designers” that want to create a “HAL” and only…

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CubeMX FreeRTOS Config

The config system in CubeMX allows you to configure and generate code for all components you have included, including FreeRTOS and libraries. This page show the config for FreeRTOS and it allows you to create a list of Tasks as well as message queues. The folders on top are Config Parameters Include Parameters User Constants…

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This shows the STM32CubeMX for my 3 x RS-X PLC Module. I find this tool to be quite usefully as it allow you to set up the clock, configure each function and wire the MCU. It also generate a nice PDF document with all details as well as a starting project with all init code…

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60V Limitation

Investigating the issue one option is that what snapped the TSP54060’s is that my PCB tracks are to close for 60V. You need close to 3000V per cm to create an arch and that is 30V per 0.1mm. I can’t see a weak point, but those pins are 0.2mm apart. A bit of extra solder…

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