Author: Jan

Micro PLC – New format

These are just drawings of my new Micro PLC formats. I am considering 20x50mm, 30x50mm and 50x50mm formats. This discussion started as I received my previous PLC bus design and realized the actual size of it. The reality is that I need things much, much smaller and having a big backbone bus is very expensive.…

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MC3X60V Working

I am only using 12V, but DRV8313 worked on 2nd attempt. First failed so I ripped it off, revoved a lane and placed a new that worked straight up. Just using trapsoidal for the moment, but it’s a start. I need to code up a Sinusoidal algorithm and better Acceleration and Speed Control. I also…

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New Micro PLC design

I have done a few PLC system drafts – one based on Raspberry PI, a second larger one and a 3rd based on distributed components. The pure PLC system was “ok”, but it was a bit larger with the bus than I expected. Looking at some of my 50x20mm designs I wanted to try a…

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This is the PSU from the MC3X60V – my small motor controller. It snapped at 35V. To save space I omitted the components in the yellow circle. Reviewing this with a friend I believe that C10 is the cause. This circuit need a small cap close to TSP54060. I already know that this circuit misbehaved…

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