Author: Jan

ST/CubeMX Quality Issues

I really like CubeMX for what it tries to do, but having used it for a while on different MCU’s I also realize that the code it generate is not very mature. On some MCU’s it works well, on others it don’t even compile or as in the example of STM32F105RB temporary brick the MCU.…

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Bricked STM32F105RB

I am a heavy user of STM32F105RB/RC, but I have not used it much with SW4STM32 before. SW4STM32 (System Workbench for STM32) or ac6wb as it also is called is based on eclipse and uses OpenOCD to connect to the MCU’s Serial debugger. A few days ago while testing CANUSB I noticed problems. First on…

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STM32 ST-Link Utility

I have never used the STM32 Server or this link utility before because the IDE’s mostly do the job. But, I have discovered something strange… After flashing code on a STM32F105RB a few times from SW4STM32 the chip would not download anymore. It happened systematically on 5 different MCU’s, but after using this utility to…

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MCU Cost

This is the cost for a single unit from ST’s own site. Buy 1 million and you get 3.8USD, but you are still not close to the stated cost on their sides. And adding to this you get 20.- USD P&P and Customs and Handling fees. A single MCU would actually cost me ca 50.-…

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Murphy’s Law

Dealing with STM32F105RB I just had the strangest error. ST-Link started failing on my CANUSB adapter and as I tested on a Rx breakout it failed there to. Moving to F405 it works fine and moving to a 3rd board with F105 it works fine. Two different boards with the same MCU failing at the…

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ESP32/RPI Adapter

This is an early mockup of a ESP32 based adapter for Raspberry PI. I like this early mock-up’s because they give me an idea about what we can get away with. in this case I can add 3-4 connectors top-left to get some extra IO, but I will still have plenty of space. I need…

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Raspberry PI PLC Adapter

The release of Raspberry PI 3A+ is a good host for a mini level system due to it’s powerfully 4 x 64 bit CPU, but as the RPI itself do not contain any com connectors we need to use an adapter card. I decided to try ESP32 because that makes it dual purpose. ESP32 can…

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