Author: Jan

12 x PWM Hat

 This 12 x PWM Hat have 12 x high side current sensors. The PWM driver have a separate PSU, DRV8313 is rated 60V and INA194 is rated -16 to 80V so they are not that easy to break giving the Hat a very decent protection level. A separate TVS and capacitor bank on motor PSU…

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3-Phase/Stepper/RPM Hat

This Hat was actually a challenge to route, but I managed it at the 4th attempt. I am quite happy with the result as well. Raspberry PI Hat Format STM32F405RG MCU, 32bit ARM M4, 168Mhz, 1Mb Flash, 196Kb SRAM. 42Mbps backbone network. ca 30Mbps With Raspberry PI. CAN Network USB Separate PSU for PWM 12…

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PWM Noise

The 2 blue signals crossing the bigger, red Power lane is asking for trouble. The blue lanes are 0-3V ADC signals, while the power lane is feeding PWM MOSFET’s. What will happen is that PWM noise from current spikes will jump over to ADC signals and create a false current signature. But, I believe it…

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STM32 LQFP64 Test Board

Finally – I just discovered test boards with sockets for STM32 LQFP64 and LQFP100. They are a bit pricy – ca 65.- USD yet, but it is a start. These are on the list of things I planned to make because I could not buy them.

3-Phase/Stepper Routing

Left side of the 3-Phase/Stepper/PWM Hat done. This is the hardest bit, but it went much easier this time because the previous attempts gave some hints and lessons learned. I am far from finished, but it is not hopeless. My main concern is the ground-plane getting to fragmented and unable to support the currents –…

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easyIPC Format

Message Header This is the new message format that I will use on SPI, RS485 and Ethernet. For CAN I am not sure yet. I might want to take more advantage of the strong capabilities in CAN, but lets see. The format above allows me to communicate device to device in a network, but at…

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