Author: Jan

Failing MCU

I have always added a minimum on components on my design and on the 60V/50A Motor Driver I have 4 PSU of which 3 is SPC3819. So assembling this I only mounted a minimum to get the MCU ticking and got a surprise – it would not tick. Soldering off MCU, putting it in tester…

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3-Phase 50A Modifications

I want to attempt a few changes on this 3-phase controller. Remove the 3rd current sensor marked in red at top. Remove the output holes at right and take the output directly from between the MOSFET’s. Add at least 1 temperature sensor. I can use more space between MOSFET channels and maybe squeeze in the…

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AD5231 Digital Potentiometer

I showed the MOSFET driven resistor array earlier and while searching for digital potentiometers I found 2 that are SPI based on 10K. One is the MCP41010 with 255 steps, but the one I really liked is the new AD5231 with 1024 steps. They exist in 10K, 50K and 100K versions and provide a far…

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Analogue, Programmable PSU

This weird circuit is a programmable, analogue PSU. It is basically only a LM317 and an array with resistors and MOSFET’s so I can program the voltage out by selecting a combination of 10 resistors. This is not straight forward, but I can at least Select 10 preset values. In addition I use an ADC…

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Function Generator Hat

I need a function generator and I like AD9851. What I really would like is a Function Generator Hat with programmable +/- voltage like the diagram below: This is not impossible, but the DDS, Amplifier and Programmable PSU on a small Hat is not realistic. Or – well – I need to think about that…

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30V 20A++ Driver

This is the backside of the 30V x 20A Motor Driver and the red lines are the main power paths. The lower left one is the + path, while the top, angeled is GND. The later will be merged into ground plane so it get a bit extra help. But, these are the paths I…

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New 30V/20A Motor Driver

The first draft of rev 1.1 of 30V 20A Motor Driver. The differences are that I replaced the DC/DC with a 78M12 (linear regulator) for simplicity and cost, replaced INA210 with INA193/INA194/INA195, added 2 temperature sensor on-board and replaced connectors with te smaller JST Micro connectors. I also combined 3 connectors to one. I also…

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HMI Designer & Browser

This is an early beta of the HMI Designer. The idea is that you draw your HMI displays, save them as XML and then send them to a HMI Browser. The Browser will execute the graphics and send back user events allowing a system with no knowledge of HMI, how or what to make use…

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