Author: Jan

Multiple ST-Links

SW4STM32 allows you to maintain multiple projects and have multiple ST-Links active at once. This is a welcome feature as I now need to program several at once to get backbone SPI working. I finally got the 10x USB cables, so everything is set up and working. This also means that I start using SW4STM32…

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Home made Z80 Computer

I have seen quite a few attempts on making vintage computers, but this “Homebrew Z80 Computer Kit” costing 199.- USD is very cool. This is actually a very cool design. If this had popped up at this price some 40 years ago I would have bought one. I do however love the modular design concept…

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Google Web Designer

I have searched for Web Designers a few times and recently found Google Web Designer. This is a full HTML5 designer with  WYSIWYG designer as well as Code Editor. This looks like it could be the answer to my web design needs should I decide to use my own time to dig into this. Google…

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Reading this blog

I basically keep my notes here in this blog, so to follow a project you just click on the project in the left (obs right) bar as that will filter out entries. This is so far the only real change to this blog as I keep searching for alternative themes. I actually found one WordPress…

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Protocol Analyzer – Part 1

The protocols I use on CAN, serial, Ethernet, Wifi are all part of a easyIPC package designed to co-exist in a complex network. This is at the core of the systems and I need a tool that can visualize the messages that pass on various levels. This tool is called a “Protocol Analyzer” and without…

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CAN Adapters

I have 2 CAN Adapters at present. One is the low cost USB Adapter and the other is the XPortHub. The picture above show the smaller, single channel USB to CAN Adapter. The picture above show the more powerfully XPortHub that provide USB, CAN, RS-485, RS-232, UART, SPI and I2C channels. The USB to CAN…

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CAN Arbitration

One of the things you need to be aware off as you design (or use) a CAN based protocol is how arbitration works and how it can be used to your advantage or create a timing bug if it used wrong. CANbus consist of a 11 or 19 bit ID field at the head of…

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Remote PSU Switch

The 50A Motor Controller have 2 separate PSU feeds – one for the MCU and one for the Motor driver. This allows me to power the MCU and let this switch on/off power for the driver part. Simply create a 48V/50A PSU Controller Hat as illustrated on the drawing above. I like this idea, but…

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Testing a 50A Motor Controller

One of the good things about MC4X60V50A (or steampunk controller if you like) is that MCU is powered separately from the MOSFET driver part. This enables me to use a USB, power the MCU and write test code without worrying about the 3KW driver part. For actual testing I can settle with smaller motors to…

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