Author: Jan

USB on STM32

J7 above is the USB connector on my Hat’s and 44/45 at right is the connection to the MCU. This is all you need to do to have a working USB connected to an STM32. Software is even easier if you just want a serial port. You just install STM32 Virtual Serial port driver for…

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LoRa Schematics Error

This is the PSU used on the LoRa/GPS Hat to allow switching the units on/off. The signal EnGPS connects to a GPIO pin and the MCU must pull it high for GPS to switch on – very simple. One of the functions of a modern EDA is to check schematics and PCB. This works excellent…

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Drone Projects

I want to make a larger plane using drone technology and the drawing above illustrate a generic control system with 4 thrusters. In this case I suggest 4 main motors because I want to lift a large drone in a simple frame to test thrusters and control logic. But, the illustration is generic in nature.…

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UDP is an excellent protocol for sending messages between nodes in a system with Ethernet or Wifi. It’s speed and behavior on a modern PC’s allows in the region of 100,000 messages per sec, which should be sufficient for most applications.To make a Connection you only need two end-Points of which one need to have…

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easyIPC Stack

easyIPC is the protocol and collection libraries I use to communicate cross various networks. easyIPC is not bound to a special technology as it provides universal device to device access through a variety of technologies including Ethernet/Wife, RS485, CAN, and SPI and in time others. UDP, SPI, UART and CAN are examples of technologies I…

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RS485 Hub 3D draft

First 3D draft of the RS485 Hub. I have moved all connectors to left and top because it will be attractive to use this together with RPI 3B+ that have Ethernet/USB at right. As mentioned I could have used XPortHub for this, but I often need exactly RS485/Ethernet in higher density because RS485 is very…

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RS485 Hub

XPortHub is great if you need a combination of ports, but I often need a high density of one port type so I made RS485Hub with 6 x RS485 ports, 2 x CAN ports and 1 x USB. This is basically a simple Hat where I take advantage of the high number of RS485 ports…

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AL – Abstraction Layer

The main objective with an Abstraction Layer is to protect user modules from changes between platforms. Code on user level should be portable and plug & play after you done a 10 minute task of soft-wiring. I decided on the name “Abtraction Layer” because HAL (Hardware Abstraction Layer) is missued to much and was not…

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