Author: Jan

Wifi/Ethernet Hat Drafts

Getting on with my ESP32 based Wifi/Ethernet Hat. First draft of schematics below. This is the first time I try LAN8710 so all bets off. I am most worried about the 100Mhz signals here. The next picture show components before I place and route the PCB. This looks tight tbh. LANEnable will switch power on/off…

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Ethernet Hat’s ESP32/HLK-7688A

I decided that I want to make 2 different Ethernet/Wifi modules With different purpose. With Raspberry PI it will be 3, but RPI and ESP32 overlap in functionality. ESP32 with Ethernet/Wifi/Bluetooth is a very attractive “Connector” solution where I can add more connections by adding multiple Hat’s. I can sadly only add a single Raspberry…

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3KW Thunder Stick

This is my 3KW 3-Phase Motor Driver Rev 1.3. Revision 1.0 and 1.1 had air wiring, 3 current sensors and output at right. Rev 1.2 lacked RS485 while Revision 1.3 have CAN and RS485 + 2 temp sensors between MOSFET’s + I solder on cobber wires directly on PCB for 60V and GND to sustain…

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Hat Summary

Its been a few Hat’s since I started the latest series using SPI as backbone, so it’s time to consolidate on those I want to finish first. I have a list of close to 40 different Hat’s I want to make. Key to them all is that I use STM32F405 as a reusable component to…

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Wifi/Ethernet Hat

This early draft uses ESP32 and a HR911105A RJ45 connector. I want to attempt using LAN8720A as Phy. The Hat will contain SPI as backbone, CAN as secondary control, an USB, Wifi, Bluetooth and Ethernet. The schematics look straight forward, but I have a lot of reading up to do. ESP32 is as fast as…

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Ethernet Hat Options

I am as mentioned before looking for alternatives to connect to Wifi/Ethernet that don’t include a SD Card or going outside the Hat format. I also have an interest in making Ethernet available from embedded systems in general. The main reason is however to be able to Connect multiple Ethernet/Wifi Connections. The block diagram above…

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STM32H743 Maturity

I managed to get STM32H743 running blinking some leds, but not without pain. STCubeIDE is able to download code, but fail on debugging. All in All I basically conclude that H7 is not sufficiently mature yet! This is not about the MCU, but tool, toolchain, drivers and everything around it.  

ST Firmware Quality Sucks

Well – I got a STM32H743 Nucleo kit yesterday and wanted to autogenerate code for it from CubeMX (or STCubeIDE more exctly) – out of the box – it generates code that DOES NOT COMPILE on an eval kit. Sadly this is not the first time, it has become more the rule than the exception.…

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I decided to have a look at the STM32H7x3 series running at 480Mhz. The Nucleo board uses the 144 pin ZI version, but they also have a 100 pin V version. 100 pin is attractive because it gives me access to external memory, Ethernet and more + if I should go for a 100 pin…

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