Author: Jan

BasicPI OS Started

Kind of cool – using USB as console on XPortHub – notice all the init messages before the USB starts. Just a buffer tricks. The “Terminal” is a simple C# app that open a port, read/write. I will upgrade it to a proper CLI later. This is maybe the most important part of the infrastructure…

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NB-IoT Hat rev 1.1

Just a minor upgrade of my NB-IoT Hat Cleaned up ground plane, remove one UART, added new SWD and resistors on SPI1. I have still not have time to assemble test the previous one, so will do that as soon as I get a SIM card. This Hat is cool because NB-IoT means you buy…

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Plain (Programming Language for AI Networks) is very different from Languages like Python, Java and C#. The only similarity is that they all are based on a Virtual Machine and all use C/C++ as native host language. One difference is that C++ is more openly integrated into Plain than Java and C#, while Python have…

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7x Stepper Revision 1.3

This is Revision 1.3 of the 7x Stepper Driver. Added resistors on SPI1. Changed to new SWD format. Added protection against wrong PSU polarity. Moved leds into board. Major improvement on ground planes. Previous change on 1.2 was that I turned the Connectors around.  I re-routed the entire module from scratch and created ground planes…

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16xServo Hat

This is rev 1.3 of 32xIO/Servo Hat. It’s been a few revisions that I never bothered to build because the original is working well. But, I need some changes on this: SWD need to change to new format. Connection to SPI1 need resistors. 2nd Power connector needs to be added. Connection between motor and 5V…

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Ethernet Ground Plane

Just showing the ground plane on the Ethernet/Wifi Hat. I am very pleased with this one and the approach I used here. Earlier as I routed I have routed on both sides with ground plane becoming very fragmented. On this one I only used ground plane as an exception and only for minimum distances. The…

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Modular Control System

This drawing is an overview of the Hat’s in progress. A few is only on the planning stage, but most electronics is on prototype level and SW is coming on. Raspberry PI is the obvious core if I need heavier processing. Due to the nature of it’s SPI I can only connect one of these…

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LAN8710 vs Pro-EP10

Again I am not done routing, but I wanted to illustrate ca the space cost of adding an Ethernet Phy and why I was so interested in Pro-EP10. You can see Pro-EP10 footprint at left in green, while LAN8710 and RJ45 w/magnets build in is in blue at left. Using Pro-EP10 would be a huge…

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Wifi/Ethernet Hat

Not routed the Hat yet, but got all components on the PCB and it looks possible. Using an optional 2.4Ghz antenna on this one. It will take ca 1 week and I probably have the first draft routed. It tends to og fast once I start. What I usually do is to do a bit…

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