Author: Jan

Assembled Thunderstick

The wires and caps are a bit tricky to get right. the cap should actually be the other way, but I need access to the SWD so had to bend it over the MOSFET’s. This mounting is not ideal, but it is working. It is a 2000uF 63V Electrolyte that is mounted. The only thing…

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3KW 3-Phase Getting Assembled

  My Thunderstick PCB’s arrived some time ago, but it has been very hectic at work so I simply had no time to work on it. I also have a new 1kw motor that will be nice to test. The pictures above is the board with DRV8301 mounted. I have to start with this because…

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ESP32 Ethernet Hat Challenges

I am a bit stunned by the memory usage on ESP32. This is a 178 line test script that uses wired Ethernet and it only send an UDP message out – the program uses 645606 bytes – which is 49% of available space. Luckily it does not increase that much, so I assume this is…

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LoRa & GPS

Rev 1.3 of my LoRa/GPS Hat. It will be a Rev 1.4 before I order this PCB because I want some changes. I want to remove (11) the UART port and (7) the separate Power port. The 5V power port will be removed on all Hat’s as I want to force 5V through USB or…

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BasicPI OS Started

Kind of cool – using USB as console on XPortHub – notice all the init messages before the USB starts. Just a buffer tricks. The “Terminal” is a simple C# app that open a port, read/write. I will upgrade it to a proper CLI later. This is maybe the most important part of the infrastructure…

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