Author: Jan

DRV8313 Bug Found

This puzled me because the 4 circuits on PWM12 was copied from the working motor controller, but looking at the schematics I suddenly realized that 3.3V out from the buck converter is connected to ground – which explains why I draw 10mA++ extra current and why the internal logic don’t respond – it was shorted.…

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Trapzoidal w/DRV8313

This screen shot is from MC3X60V3A that also uses DRV8313. I fired it up and looked at code because I need a reference as I try to understand the errors I have on the PWM12 board. I use the same circuit, so I am puzled. Trapsoidal algorith is a 6 step brute force algorithm where…

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12 x PWM Hat

  I have so many Hat’s by now that I try to make some systematic documentation on them. This drawing is part of what I call “Annotated Schematics” to document the design and collect notes needed for working on the Hat. This example is one of my more powerfully Hat’s as it contains 12 separate…

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PWM12 – Current Sensor

I have started assembling the first PWM12 board and this is the current sensor I use. It will probably work ok, but the circuit lack two important components. One a small capacitor between CSense and ground and secondly a TVS between the same. The reason is I could have needed those to protect the MCU…

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Buck Converter working

Soldered up a new board just to realize that DRV8301 was bust as well, so replaced DRV8301 and Buck converter is actually working. I am getting 3.4V just enouth for SPX3819 to give 3.2 out and the MCU ticks at 168Mhz. Looking at datasheet I also see that I have done correctlt – EN_BUCK should…

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