Author: Jan

Making a LED Lamp

I am a bit handicapped as my Lamp with a magnifier broke. I was using that all the time, but having seen how badly designed that it I decided to rebuild both of my lamps to be LED lamps. What I will do is to buy a 130VAC to 12VDC adapter in a shop (or…

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Getting on with KiCAD

The graphical user interface on KiCAD is different than most applications. On KiCAD you get little feedback that you have selected something. Editing on PCB is quite “normal” – you select a component and click to move it. Doing the same on schematics are different, you select by using area and the component stick to…

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Burning lamp

Working with electronics you accept that it is a small risk of fire and take pre-cautions. But are we really prepared for what can go wrong? The issue is that everything around us contains more electronics and things that can take fire these days. Yesterday my lamp bought on Clas Olson took fire. Nothing bad…

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KiKad First Contact

I decided to make Rev 1.4 of the 32xServoIO using KiKad. One of many reasons for leaving Target 3001 and using KiKad is that I want to show more schematics out here. That has been difficult with Target 3001. The main reason is however cost – I use a free version of Target 3001 with…

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32xServo/IO Hat

These two 3D models show my old and new 32xIO. It’s a layout difference, but except for that they are mostly identical. The old board have the DIP selecting CS Pin for SPI, while the new dropped that. Revison 1.1 Revision 1.3 The challenge with these 32xServo ports are that I do not have 32…

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PWM12 rev. 1.3 Draft

Started to make a few modifications on PWM12 Rev 1.3. replaced spring terminals with 2.54 pitch screw terminals. Discovered that if I mount them on the edge I can access the screws. And I did not like the spring terminals at all. Also removed the 5V connector and added SPI resistors.

Crappy connectors

I have used these on the PWM12 Hat and the one I have mounted was worn out after 3-4 times of inserting and removing a wire! I am not impressed!

PWM Abstraction Layer

Designing a PWM Interface is easy, but using ST’s “HAL” layer requires a bit of testing. A friend of mine decided to write his own drivers because he believe ST’s drivers are over-complicated and too low level. I agree, but I prefer to make my own C++ Abstraction Layer on top of the drivers. So…

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DRV8313 Bug Found

This puzled me because the 4 circuits on PWM12 was copied from the working motor controller, but looking at the schematics I suddenly realized that 3.3V out from the buck converter is connected to ground – which explains why I draw 10mA++ extra current and why the internal logic don’t respond – it was shorted.…

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Trapzoidal w/DRV8313

This screen shot is from MC3X60V3A that also uses DRV8313. I fired it up and looked at code because I need a reference as I try to understand the errors I have on the PWM12 board. I use the same circuit, so I am puzled. Trapsoidal algorith is a 6 step brute force algorithm where…

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