I am not sure where I wanna use this W5500 circuit, but the nice thing is that KiKad makes this a module I can re-use. This actually is the reference schematics.
I am not sure where I wanna use this W5500 circuit, but the nice thing is that KiKad makes this a module I can re-use. This actually is the reference schematics.
Fiber modules have been around for some years. The picture below show a 14.- USD 8 x Ethernet/2 x Fiber Mux/Switch that can be found on AliExpress etc. I have also seen smaller modules and 16 x Ethernet modules in the same price range – also boxed versions. The interesting thing about these is that…
Working on HMI in C#/.NET is fun, but it is a large task to get dark themes right. Below is a list of components that I want to complete: clEditCtrl Simple text edit control. clHScrollBar Horizontal Scroll Bar. clObjectEditor Advanced grid alike editor to edit an “object” with a tree of items. clPopUpMenu Classic pop-up…
A PDO differ from a SDO in the sence that the COB ID is the message ID. In a single system you have 8 x 127 messages that can be PDO and only needs to be know by consumer and producer. A simple PDO Map can map directly to memory variables, but a more proper…
SDO is the simplest part of CANopen that can be compared to Modbus. A SDO message is addressed to a node and consist of Index, Sub-index and 1-4 byte variable. A common implementation is to have indexes in an array with pointers to the actual variable and use bsearch to find index/sub-index. How you implement…
I am considering using CANopenNode to create a full SIIS2 stack, but before I jump into someone elses work I like to think through how and why I want CANopen build. Below is a simple UML diagram. This diagram lack Bootloader and Object Dictionary, but I simply created classes for each bulk of work that…
The industry around me is a heavy user of CANopen (SIIS2) which is the “Subsea” version of a CAN protocol. CANopen is similar to Modbus, but it offer more functionality. It is also a more complicated protocol stack that tend to cost from 5-15K USD depending on content. I have written CANopen protocols in the…
Many modern applications use custom theme/styles, but this is actually far more difficult to implement than you would expect on Windows. Windows have a lot of standard GUI components where you can control most, but not all colors and styles. So, if you want dark theme you either need to buy a library or start…
UML is a well accepted standard for modeling complex software solutions, but it has never reached executable accuracy. The standard lack a technique that allow executable logic, which is exactly what PLD does. This is key to having a tool with 1:1 between diagrams and code. I started modeling with Entity-Relationship Diagrams years ago, and…
Some of you will remember that I planned a “System Diagram” in Plain! That was a block of configuration code that tied event on modules together. This is exactly what I plan to use UML State Diagrams for. In this diagram we generate a Temp Changed event on one device that is sent to a…