Author: Jan

BSA Platforms Supported

This table shows the planned BSA support. Windows, Raspberry PI and STM32 are primary development targets, but Linux is covered through Raspberry PI and Mac’s will be covered. Other platforms, specially on the BSP (Board Support Package) side will be added. Platform BSA Designer HMI Browser BSP Windows Yes Yes Yes Linux Yes Yes Yes…

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BSA Grids

DataGrid and PropertyEditor is still work in progress, but the same PropertyEditor that is used in BSA will also be available as a component. The same goes to the DataGrid. DataGrid is a smaller grid designed to use inline edit. I will also use a virtual grid designed to visualize huge amounts of data. I…

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BSA Property Editor

This is the beginning of BSA’s property editor. A property editor is a specialized grid that can edit objects and is very common in dveloper tools. Rather than produsing hundreds of IO diialogs you use a generic editor that you pass a list of variables. The way this will work is that it show the…

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BSA Progressing

This first picture show a UML State Diagram. I promissed to focus on HMI, but I fancied adding the symbols before I hide these diagrams in the first version. This second picture show a Plain Logic Diagram. I will walk through the interaction between the diagrams and their usage later. As you can see it…

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BSA – HMI Designer

Qt/QML lack an image designer, but I found that using good, old MSPaint worked out well. I have added tools to support various modeling techniques, but will focus on HMI design and automation in this first version. It is a graphical GUI designer included in Qt, but good luck getting something out of that. This…

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HMI Design – Backend

This figure show a key principle in modern HMI design. I have only illustrated 2 input signals, but the principle is the same regardless of what signal or what hardware you use. Using a analogue signal as an example you collect that from a sensor or ADC channel. The signal will then be normalized and…

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HMI Designer

My previous entry talked about coding in QML. I am still on the learning path here, but I am slowly finding my way into QML. It is a steep learning curve, but once you start master the technology it also get easier and the graphical result is the best I have seen so far. It…

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Working with QML

This application is a replica of work I have done in Qt and C# before, but this time I use QML which is a very different technology. At first I must admit that it is overwealming and complex. One of the steepest learning curves I have experienced as it involves C++, Qt, QML, JavaScripts and…

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QtCreator 4.12

This is Qt Creator 4.12. I have worked with Visual Studio for many years, so every IDE get compared to VS. QtCreator does the job as an editor, but it suck as a debugger. Even STM32CubeIDE that uses the same GDB is far better that Qt Debugger. And working with QML you might want to…

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