Author: Jan

BSA – Property Editor

Don’t worry – you will hear a lot about the Property Editor. The one you see above is yet a simple one. I am still using string edit for colors, but it works fine due to the nature of JavaScript. JavaScript accept colors in string format by name or #xxxxxxxx. (ARGB format). I will add…

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BSA – Dialog Design

I am reaching a point where my illustrations regarding BSA are more and more the real thing. Property Editor is now real so I can start edit the components and add properties. I have a few days work setting up correct properties and then I will deal with saving and loading projects and a few…

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BSA – DataSource

A critical component for a HMI Frontend is “Data Source”, meaning where is data loaded and saver. HMI alone is worthless unless it is actually connected to something. This can be a remote Modbus device, a database, simple memory structure, file structures etc. BSA will provide the component, but the user must add the source…

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BSA – Sub-diagrams

Yet Another Fake Diagram. The symbols are real, but the links between the symbols are fakes yet… give me a few days. But, the fun is that I have reached a point where it is easier to make illustrations using BSA than Powerpoint. The illustration show a classic sub-diagram – you have a state symbol…

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BSA – Importing Source Code

This first version of BSA will not have any capability to create anything than HMI, so we need to be smart about how we integrate source code. And the answer is straight forward: We could parse the source and auto-detect interface functions and events – it is possible, but it will require a good parser…

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BSA – Including IoT Devices

A “device” is a definition in our system that can be visualized as anything you want – in this example I use an image showing two of my cards attached. What is important is that this device have input and output events – in this case shown as PLD terminals. This is a mock-up diagram…

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Raspberry Pi PICO – RP2040

Having worked with computers in 40+ years I must admit that I sometime dig into nostalgia and look at vintage computers before I recall how little you got done and how much time things took. The world has moved on – and thanks for that. RP2040 or Raspberry Pi Pico if you like is a…

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