Author: Jan

BSA – WPF First Look

This is the WPF version of BSA after a few hours of work. It’s not much to look at, but I will focus on BSA itself and not the dark theme/cool look this time. Firstly I need to learn WPF so I can generate code for it anyway – but, I also expect to find…

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Most of my focus is on SW for the time being, and it is sadly less interesting to write about yet. My BSA project is ambiguous specially since I keep switching development platform. Back in the early days I did vector graphics on DOS. The challenge then was that you needed to even develop raster…

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Visual Studio MFC

This is just an auto-generated demo (new application) using Visual Studio/MFC. I use Visual Studio Community so you can download this and try for yourself. I switched from DOS to Windows back in early 90’s using Windows SDK and C at first – I remember the day I got my hands on Visual C++ 1.0…

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ST/STM32 SW Quality

I have written about this issue before, but ST never fail to suprice me on their SW quality – crap that don’t work: Bugs, bugs and bugs! I updated STM32CubeIDE to version 1.6.0 yesterday and discovered that the IDE fail to load the images – I had to default to STM32-Link Utility to be able…

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BSA – Color Palettes

Setting up all the colors needed for controls is actually a bit of job because you need a set of colors for (1) Normal display, (2) Mouse Hover, (3) different states. In this case I show a button so I need Pressed. And for each set I need background, text and border etc. So, if…

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BSA – Text Edit 2

My previous entry raised the issue about how to edit multi-line text. The illustrations below show one possibility. In this case I illustrate a description – something I want on every object. This is a normal property, but since it is a multi-line text it servers little purpose to display it on a few characters…

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BSA – Text Edit

This shows the Note – the Note is a tool allowing you to write text with a Note border around it and it can be linked to obkects with lines etc – a handy way to make comments. However – how do we edit the note? (1) display the full note, while (2) display the…

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