Author: Jan

BSA – Dark vs Light

This first picture show the Dark Theme version made with QML, while the second show the Light Theme version made with WPF. The Light images are not all there yet, so I need to work on those. I am getting there with the light version as well. I decided to ditch TreeView and make a…

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BSA – WPF Version 0.1

The WPF based version of BSA is getting there. It don’t look as cool as the QML version (yet). The reason I am avoiding Dark Theme is because I want to dig more into BSA functionality and avoid spending time on controls like the scrollbar’s for now. Usage with scrolling and zooming is in place,…

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BSA – Modules

One of the concepts in Plain and BSA is that you develop distributed system, not a single application or device. Meaning that state diagrams and logic can relate to a list of modules that are located either on HMI, on some server or a device distributed in a network. Both PLD and UML State Diagrams…

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BSA – Top-Level Architecture

This illustrate the 4 main components inside BSA. You obviously have the UI part that visualize things on the screen. This is the main and largest part, but you also have Repository, Code generator and Debugger integration that needs to be in place. One of the reason’s I wanted to try WPF is the Repository/UI…

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BSA – QML version – what happened?

The QML version of BSA is almost finished on Forms design, but I froze further development until I have tested WPF. I get things working in QML, and I am happy with what I see and experience on the screen. But, I am not happy with how much work it is to get simple things…

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