Mobile PLC – New Module Design

This is a PowerPoint mock-up. I just soldered om the PLCDCMotor board and im considering to keep the board as is with a less changes than I planned – the TTL connector at left can be used as is with a short 1:1 cable to a small board that convert the board to a stand-alone board. The M12 on right can be replaced with a custom connector to fit the IO on the board. I am not leaving the M12 design, but I think it is wise to include more options.

The nice thing about this is that I can just extend the TTL connector at left as the com adapter boards can be added later. I will add CAN and USB pins extending to a 8 pin TTL connector. I like these connectors because I can buy 1:1 cables in bundles ready made – if not they would be a lot of work.

This board was tight to hand-solder, but the real pain is the SWD at the left, bottom corner. That connector works fine, but it is very hard to keep it connected and is a major mistake. in fact I can achieve the same without soldering using my original SWD with 6 pins. Lesson learned!

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