The diagram below show two sub-diagrams. Sub_Diagram1 is a standard function call while Sub-Diagram2 have multiple input signals each connected to a specific method in the diagram. Both are legal drawings “as is”, but they have conflicting precentation needs. In “Sub_Diagram1” is is natural to assume that we call a function “Sub_Diagram1”, while on Sub-Diagram2 we call “Sub_Diagram2.<method>” – what method can be visualized on the input line.
Earlier I had a seperate function call that I removed, so it’s possible to bring that back – I removed it because visualization was identical with a sub-diagram. Another possibility is to make a rule that unless you specify a method you actually call “Sub_Diagram1()” – this will work, but how do I then specify what diagram “Sub_Diagram1” is located on? This is the same as with C++ or C#, you need to specify “class.function” one way or another – so do we. I am not concluding, but I need to look into this one and see what notation that works and not.