Java programmers hit again

I am used to problems with STM32CubeIDE – this one popped up as I wanted to open the ioc file of a STM32H503RB – it is a well know error from Eclipse based tools – or more correctly Java based tools. You can always recognize Java since the code is slow as a slug and then you get these ones in your face!

C# suffer from many of the same issues as Java – one of them is the exception mechanism. I have made my arguments before why I consider that a notorious unsecure mechanism in any language. Myself I avoid raising exceptions, but I do catch them and ensure the code can continue. A crach like this is unacceptable! And lets talk about performance …

The rest of the IDE is ok the times it works, but the ST’inherited Cube is sloooooooow – I spend a lot of time looking at the dialogue above. And Java is actually not that slow, you just need to know what you are doing. And finally after struggling to close Eclipse we can start over again and after a loooong, slooooow opening sequence we are rewarded with crap that works on a good day.

Eclipse and specially Atolic Studio that we know as STM32CubeIDE is actually decently great to work with – and the CubeMX additions are also a great assistance in figuring out how to wire a MCU and generating HAL’s as well as including libraries. But it is slow and as seen above – still have bugs.

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