This is PLD where I use HMI Form as building blocks. I am not sure about this idea, but a HMI screen is a complex object with multiple paths and PLD can actually visualize this. in this example I show what other HMI forms are called, but it could as well have been the menu actions in the form. I see a challenge in that a HMI screen will have far to many events to be displayed in a single diagram like this – but, lets work on that and see what we can get out of this.
As I work with complex GUI applications I often lack this exact overview and spend time looking for functions that process on xxx event – maybe a button event, a meny event or a process event. Maybe I can use PLD to visualize this part of HMI design?
The next diagram below is just another way of displaing this. It is basically a call graph that also can be replaced by a table showing events and what happens with them. It does not need to be graphical. An auto-generated table might be more usefully with regards to the amount of events in this case, but it is basically nothing preventing the user from doing this in PLD either. I need to let this idea ature a bit.