STM32L011F4 only have 16Kb Flash, and as I generate the code I need from STM32CubeIDE it compiles to 11,37Kb on Debug, leaving only 4,63Kb Free for the application. Looking at the map I see several nasty C functions n the drivers. The GCC compiler is decently good and greedy on bytes, but that don’t help if the drivers use up the little Flash that is.
ST is great at Hardware, but their Software is not that great. It makes their small MCU’s non-usable if the driver uses all the Flash for itself.
My first idea was to use L011 as watchdog, but looking at Flash, SRAM and prices I decided to go for STM32G070KB that comes in a 32 pin package with 128Kb Flash, 32Kb SRAM and running at 64Mhz. This is a new M0+ series and I like the size and the price – buying from Farnell this time.