7x 5-Wire Stepper Hat

This show the 7 x 5-Wire stepper with the intended connectors and an example of the stepper connected. I have 2 errors on this Hat – firstly I have the +V on the wrong side, so I have to turn the connectors around. I will just use straight connectors for testing. The second is that the PWR connector on the right, bottom corner is to close to the Led. Other than that this seems to be working well so far.The picture below is with straight connectors that I need to use for now.

The jumper in the middle right allow me to connect Stepper Power to USB, but it really is recommended with a separate PSU.

This tester made a big difference. I soldered off what I believed was a failing MCU and tested it to be ok, then soldered it back on and it worked. Turned out I must have had a bad soldering. The tester is the best investment I have done because it saves me wondering if a MCU works or not.I am also getting aware that I have a lot of cold solderings causing problems so I will see if I can start using the oven more.


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