It’s been many Hat’s lately as I am focusing more and more on this as my main core for everything. I still have a load of Hat’s that I want to start on, but I won’t exactly have much spare time the coming year. This is just a summary of projects that I am working on and intend to complete.
XPortHub. Basically a communication Hub With CAN, RS485, RS232, SPI, I2C, USB + Micro SD Card, RTC, Flash etc. This Board is actually assembled and so far working well.
Wifi Hat based on ESP32 to enable a low-cost Wifi/Bluetooth With CAN, RS485 and a few IO ports. I have PCB for this Board, but have yet not assembled or tested it. |
32 x IO / Servo Controller.
Not ordered. |
8 x DC Motors + 16 x Sensors. |
7 x 5-Wire Stepper Driver. |
3KW Universal motor driver, Capable of 60V @50A on 3-Phase, DC, Stepper or Solenoids. |
NB-IoT/4G Hat. |
Light-weight 60V PSU. This is only a test board with the Hat format. |
LoRa + GPS Hat. Shown With 12km 1W configuration. |
LoRa + GPS Hat. Shown With 6.5km 0.1W configuration. |
2A Motor Controller. Can run 6 x 3 Phase, 4 x Steppers, 9 x DC motors or 18 Solenoids/PWM signals. This is still work in progress. |
3KW 3Phase Motor Controller. This uses DRV8301 and is designed for 60V@50A. This actually need a revision before it is ordered. |
Mini stand-alone 3-Phase Controller for 2A. This is assembled and is working, but the 60V DC/DC needs a revision. |
CAN – USB Adapter. Assembled in rev 1.1 and working. |
ESP32 Utility Driver – 4 sensors, 8 Servo/IO, 2 H-Bridge, 7 PWM signals. This is assembled and working rev 1.1. |
Model Train Cockpit Controller. This is a failure and need a revision + a support adapter. A rev 1.2 is on my list. |
STM32FxxxRx Breakout Board. Assembled and tested for F105 and F405. |
Breakout for STM32F031F4 or STM32F042F6. Assembled and working. |
My SWD Adapter. This will need an upgrade, but it has been one of my most usefully designs. It enables me to use a small 1.27 pich footprint on my designs and deal With ST-Link 2.54 Pitch. Next Version will have Reset and Boot Connectors. |
Micro sensors and actuators. I had 4 of these designs and the Temperature, Light, Proximity sensor will be upgraded. More external sensors will be added later. |
And more – many of my older designs have either been ditched or evolved into more mature designs listed above. I will be focusing more and more on the new Raspberry Hat format for everything. The exception will mainly be a series of intelligent sensors evolving out of my STM32F031F4 micro designs.