New 60V 100A BLDC Controller

I have so many motor controller designs that I need to give them names, so I use MC + <driver type> + <Max Voltage> + <Max Current>. MC2P60V100A means 3-Phase, 60V (8-60V in this case) and 100A currents. The drawing below is an early draft.


I decided to use DRV8301 or DRV8302. These are dedicated 3-Phase gateways with build in current sensors, Gate drivers and a 5V DC/DC. It is rated 8V to 60V and as MOSFET’s are external we can basically create what we want. DRV8301 uses a SPI interface, while DRV8302 uses separate pin’s. I have written articles about DRV8301 before. The target is larger 12-60V motors like the ones below. I have set the target 100A continuous as I believe that is achievable, meaning I target up to 5KW motors. I do however consider making a separate controller and driver board so I can reuse the controller for different drivers.

I toy around with using STM32F303 or STM32F405, but I will also consider TI Piccolo if I can find a free, working toolchain solution. I have one of their kits with DRV8301 around, but their tool-chain is Code Composer that need (or needed) license. So I assume I will default to STM32 again, but I will see if I can get that dev-kit started.

This is an outrunner with max 60V and 85A. Capable of 5KW and support Hall Sensors.

This one comes in many variants, but it is a Large BLDC designer for drones. This is 24V and ca 40A at max, but I have seen them with higher effects.


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