If I use a 10cm wide backbone I have room for a 2×30 (or 3×30) by 2.54 pitch “bus” that could contain the following Inventory:
Summarised this gives me:
- 4 pin 5V PSU (5-10A)
- 4 pin 12V PSU (5-10A)
- 4 pin 24V PSU (5-10A)
- 4 pin 48V PSU (5-10A)
- 4 pin GND 5V
- 4 pin GND 12,24,48
- 8 pin data bus
- 12 address bus
- 10 function/extra address pins
- 8 pin for 4 RS-X lines (RS485)
- 2 clock pins
This is just a working draft…