I needed to consolidate PLD a bit around calls to sub-diagrams and functions, so I added a new diagram symbol and a new function call symbol. These overlap a bit, but the diagram symbol show a different diagram being used as a sub-diagram. If you double-click on that you will navigate tothat diagram. The signals in/out are connected to methods and events on the diagram. Name will be maintained automatically to be syncronized and you have a new context menu that allow you to link to a different diagram or create a new. The diagram can be drawn rather freely as the editor will not check rules and integrity – that is what the compiler will do. This is rather important as it offers a designer the option to do fast hight level drafting and worry about executable details as the design matures. The incomung signals can display methods and events used if required. The function call uses a specific method in a diagram. You can do the same by using a diagram, so it’s a bit up to you.
I need to add in Classes in the diagram linking, but after that it is only testing/bug-fixing before the Beta will be released.