BSA has been something I have worked on on/off for the last 3+ years, but some of the concepts has been in my head for close to 40 years. This is not the first CASE tool I build or work with. This first release will target object and data modelling – UML class and ER Diagrams simply because I need these parts for my own work. Currently I want to complete the dictionary and the precentation issues because this is the reason I can’t use other modelling tools – they either cost to much or is less usable on some of the more important concepts in modelling,
Step 1 – Data modelling
Step 2 – Code Generator/Compiler
Step 3 – HMI
Step 4 – PLD
PLD will be the hardest part to complete as it is a lot of details that will need a bit of try and fail. On Data Modelling, HMI and Code Generation I have experience from other CASE tools, but PLD is very new and non-tested concept. Everyone knows it is possible to code with graphical tools, but many also know that this way of coding tend to be slow and limited. Rather than increase coding speed you end up decreasing it because of limitations in the tool – this is why PLD will take some time to get right. That said the combined power of data modelling and HMI is a alone a big win in BSA.
Stay tuned and thanks for the patience with my english skills