BSA – WPF Dark Blend Theme

Work in progress. I found an example of how to change the style of Windows controls and voila – all the controls I have not styled myself changed. Notice the scroll bars etc. This is what I liked with Visual Studio back in the old days – you just stayed loyal to their scheme and suddenly get a lot of work for free. I need to update the rest of the color codes, but I can now go dark theme with close to no extra work. This is exactly what I hoped for as I decided not to dig into dark theme yet.

Also I discovered that the property folders I want actually exist – called “Expander” so I need to do less work than expected to build a property editor the excact way I want it. The Blend Style example that convinced me is seen below. This is basically a single xaml style file and a few lines of code added to you project. I was surpriced about how little extra code it was. For those interested you can find the original github code here under MIT license. Next time you see BSA will be in it’s final dark style. The all gray style used below is a bit booring in my eyes – I need a little bit more colours to light up the moods.

I don’t fully understand the styles.xaml yet and it is still a bit work in progress, but this was a very convinsing demo about how powerfully WPF/XAML actually is. I don’t pretend I like everything in it, but what I like is the sum speed of productivity you get – hours needed to make an advanced GUI solution. WPF is suprisingly fast to work. It’s been a few tweaks on the 2D engine, but I am very happy with the results and hours I needed to get there.

In comparison – I can (and am) doing the same in QML. I get the job done in Qt/QML as well, but working with QML is a steady stream of technical problems and an IDE that don’t do it’s job. The sum is that to do the same I use close to 5 x as much time. In WPF you write C# and XAML, but in QML you write C++, convert to Qt++, do QML bindings, write QML and JavaScript. It simply is a larger job to start with and add a poorly working IDE on top of that. That said – QML compares well to technologies we used 25 years ago like C++/MFC. And more important – QML and WPF is the only technologies I have seen that make using GPU’s decently easy. I have yet not tested the new MAUI, but I will.

The main reason I still work on QML is because I have auto-generated most of the difference and need a SDK that I can use to generate code for. While my primary target will be C# itself I also intend to pick up targets like QML. The result will be a huge difference in number of hours needed to code up systems – just stay tuned a few more months and BSA will be airborne.

Cost wise QML is a nightmare – Qt/QML with their designer cost ca 50,000.- NOK, while Visual Studio cost ca 5000.- NOK. And add to that the well of libraries like this one you find in Visual Studio. Just one advice – be very sceptical and think through what you import as you pick up nuget packages. Myself I only use MIT or similar licenses and source code unless I buy a commercial package. Make sure the library you pick up fits the bill.

Happy coding!

Categories: HMI

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