I received this board earlier and it was straight up with a few notes (See below picture).

#1 MCU worked fine. I had issues with too old soldier paste, but got some new paste and it was ok. I did try stensils this time – it kind-of worked, but my main problem is that I starved som solder pads so I need to get a proper stensil machine before I use a P&P.
#2 The new SWD connector is a misstake. I made it work by using a plier to hold the pins in position, but I need the clip version or go back to the old design. This is a bit troublesome because the version with clip holes occupy a lot of space. More research will ne needed here.
#3 The foorprint on the CAN Tranceiver was wrong – the actual tranceiver is wider – I managed to solder one channel by bending the legs under the wider body + I have another board with correct footprint for testing.
#4 Both Schematics and footprint on USB was utter bogus. I picked up a package and did not check it properly – it was bad – very bad. USB is very easy, so this took me with surprice.
¤5 I am surpriced about the high power usage – switching on everything I ended up in 200 – 250mA on 5V on the H723.
All in All I am happy with this board as such because it works well. I am not so happy with the M12 connectors. They work fine for CAN and Ethernet etc, but they are expensive and very limiting for everything else so I started on an alternative experiment drafted below. This is an ECU designed for a special pre-made box with a waterproof 56 pin connector. The concept is the same as above, but it has PSU on the motherboard and 4 add-on boards controlling 9 IO pins each. I have changed the main MCU to be H573, added Ethernet and reduced to 2 x CAN, but the main difference is the usage of a standard box and connector that is more friendly towards various IO pins.

Switching from H723 to H573 is partly due to cost + power usage. H723 is very powerfully and with all the IO boards you basically end up with a lot of CPU power and current usage you don’t need. Also the smaller modules changes to use H503 since the cost of this is ca 2.- USD even in Norway. H5 is still a M33 ticking at 250Mhz.
The main challenge is the isolated PSU – isolated 24V @ 10A that is. I am trying to do a flyback converter using 5 small 1:1 transformers rather than one due to size and must admit that I am a bit on thin ice. As a start I might just sod the isolation on 24V just to get going. I probably should do push-pull, but to be honest I will ditch the 24V isolation on the first prototype and make a special experiment on isolated PSU modules to get experience.
I did howver complete a different design for a customer that is a Data Logger – I used H723 to log 9 x 16 bit channels in high frequency and send the data on Ethernet. SW was done very fast thanks to STM32CubeIDE and AI even if I had to correct a lot of bugs. The entire embedded SW package was done in 1,5 weeks and the electronics in a few days – I just need to get a box and some connectors and it is job done.
The last job was done because we needed something fast and H723 was a candidate since it had 16 bit ADC’s, Ethernet and I already knew the MCU. The rationale behind doing something was that we struggled to find anything that could sample, filter and log in decent frequencies. To avoid risk I used a Nucleo board and just added a carrier board – this adds size, but we did not care in this case – I did not want to drag to much electronics risk into a project.
Just the electronics for competive solutions is in the region of 1200.- USD and we did not find any solution that could sample at high speed and transfer the data to a PC real-time. And it is not lost to me that I now sample at very high speed on multiple channels and can watch it real-time on a PC – this is basically a 9 channel Oscilloscop handling up to 1Mhz per channel. ST ADC’s are very nice as you just set them up combined with DMA that does all the hard work. The bauty of this logger is that you just add more boxes to get more channels on a solution and it is a very straight forward project to do.
My release of BSA have suffered a bit in the middle of this – it is not forgotten – it is just that real-live kicks in and I have to pay the bills as well + the ambiguity in my projects are high 🙂