BSA – Class vs Diagram

The following diagram is an example of a Class and an associated Diagram – see text below picture:

In BSA a Class and a Diagram can be the same as they can precent different aspects of the same object. A Class itself is only an overview of an object, but a Class Diagram adds inheritance and associations showing relations to other classes. The PLD Diagram visualize logics connected with methods and events that is not shown in a Class Diagram. The above, simple example illustrate some of this.

Here we create an object that can send an email to a customer. You see the simple PLD logic at right and a definition of the class “Customer” hidden inside the diagram “Customer”. This is fully legal. Notice that the content of Class “Customer” is the same as variables, methods and events in the diagram.

I will return a bit to the nitty gritty details on how this links together – I have a draft that I will implement today and then I need to test it a bit. But, the real test comes as I start activating the code generators – which is the next phase coming very soon.

Categories: BSA

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