I am building a PnP Machine based on lumenPnP (an OpenPnP) variant, but as I lack many of the specialized parts they use I have to make changes. This has been a great project as it forced me to lern how a PnP machine works and what challenges it included. As I upgraded to version 4 using rails rather than the rubber wheels I also started thinking about how to add more heads. This machine has two heads, but I want the scalability to add 4 or 8 heads, so I designed a new modular PnP Head. This new head consist of a holder + Camera fixed on the rail where you can mount PnP Heads side by side and even on both sides.
The work is not finished, but it starts to look great as the new heads are compact and modular. But, adding more heads to a PnP also require additions to the control system as each head need two more stepper drivers, a pump driver, a solenoid driver and extra sensors – so I am still sticking to two heads for the time beeing.