BSA – Precentation

The small diagram below show a typical precentation issue. I have included the full BSASymbol to the left and added a “precented” BSASymbol to the right. In the precented version I drag in GID from a base object and only show “IsLink” because that is all that I want to see in the precented diagram. If I was to include the full BSASymbol everywhere the diagrams would be messy of very little help. The is why we have exactly one copy of BSASymbol in the dictionary that is “precented” on diagrams. In this case you might actually have objects that are not on any diagrams. This detail is missing from all UML tools and are actually very important in modelling. This will apply to class and data tables.

I need to rework BSA to support this by implementing a visual Dictionary and force every class to be a visualization of that entry. In reality I only force a master-link and add flags on visualized methods/events/attributes – it should be straight forward.

Categories: BSA

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